All posts by Kat:

Common HOA Lawsuits & How to Dodge (err…) Avoid Them

Common HOA Lawsuits & How to Dodge (err…) Avoid Them

Iguanas in your condo swimming pool? Not cool! A homeowner turning her garage into a disco? That’s a no-go. Unit owners suing your HOA for breach of fiduciary duty and neglect? What the heck!? Seems like just about any HOA struggle can turn into a lawsuit these days. Here’s how to keep HOA lawsuits to a minimum and stay out of court. Read More... [et_social_share]
Maximize Mediation: A Guide to Saving Association Legal Fees

Maximize Mediation: A Guide to Saving Association Legal Fees

Many Community Managers inquire about a better way to resolve disputes in Community Association living than always launching litigation. After all, no one wants on-going conflict where they live. Managers share with me the frustration of Associations they manage with regard to the amount of money, time, and aggravation spent in the court system. Read More... [et_social_share]

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