HOA communication is one of the biggest challenges of any community association. If you ask 20 HOA professionals where the biggest gap in communication exists, 19 of them will tell you that it’s between the Board of Directors and the residents of the community.

How can that be, you might ask, these are neighbors who are working toward the same goals, right? In theory yes, but in reality, there is usually a large chasm between how a Board of Directors is designed to function and what the residents of a community think they do or are supposed to do.

Clear Up Misconceptions

At times, this misconception leads to disappointment and conflicts. Perhaps this is the situation your community finds itself in. But what can be done to restore the balance?

Communication coupled with education is the key! When residents and volunteer Board Members, are aware of the role they play in contributing to a well-run community, conflicts can be resolved and communities are much happier as a whole.

Better HOA Communication

So, how do you go about building a bridge over this chasm of misconception? Try these two suggestions:

  1. Regular communication from the Board of Directors to the members of the community! This can take many forms: regular issues of a newsletter, your community’s website, regular email blasts, flyers or text messages. The Board should work to find a method of communication that works best for the residents. No matter what methods you end up using, the HOA communication should come regularly and should include information the community needs to fulfill their duties as responsible members of the HOA.
  2. Community Outreach Programs that offer workshops for residents! Here are some potential topics:
    • CC&R’s, what are they?
    • What do our CC&R’s state?
    • Who is my HOA Board of Directors and what is their role?

A great resource in helping you to establish this program of regular communication and educational opportunities is your management company. By working together to assess the educational needs of your community, you can create an environment where the Board and residents work together for the good of the entire community!

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