The Perfect Hire for Community Management

The Perfect Hire for Community Management

When hiring, we look for skills in customer service, communication, and leadership (among other things). While these skills are great, and even essential for good community managers it seems that excellent community managers possess something extra – But what is it? These 4 qualities of excellent managers may not always be obvious at first but are the key to to what makes an excellent manager. Read More... [et_social_share]
Common Amenities — Make Them Pay for Themselves!

Common Amenities — Make Them Pay for Themselves!

Start with amenities that can bring in the most money to the association for the lowest up front cost. This way, the first added amenity can pay for the next one; and so on. Adding advertising in the form of signs or billboards can be revenue generators, but are not allowed in many residential areas. However, ATM machines bring in revenue, can be thought of as an amenity by some, and do not take up a lot of room. Read More... [et_social_share]
Does You Have a HOA Waste Policy?

Does You Have a HOA Waste Policy?

Waste problems affect everyone in a given area whether it is dog droppings or a mound of stinking refuse. They not only blight an otherwise lovely looking neighborhood, but they provide a real health and environmental risk. Accumulated waste material attracts flies, vermin, disease, and can leak into the local water and soil, contaminating local wildlife. They also, seriously affect house, apartment and condo prices. Read More... [et_social_share]
Should Owners Really Read The HOA CC&R?

Should Owners Really Read The HOA CC&R?

Don't get me wrong — I'm not saying that homeowners shouldn't read the CC&Rs. In fact, homeowners who take the time to educate themselves on the rules are valuable, and they’re the ones that usually end up leading their community on boards and committees. But next time you find yourself frustrated that they don't know or understand the rules — Maybe the question you should be asking is: “How can I inform homeowners better?” Read More... [et_social_share]
The Revenue Roller Coaster

The Revenue Roller Coaster

The problem with increasing dues every 6 years, is that the amount is usually so large that it becomes a big financial hit for most homeowners. When dues don't increase for a long time, many homeowners start to believe that dues should never increase. The way they see it, “the HOA was just fine up until now, so this 30% increase seems like an outrage” — and quite frankly they're right! Read More... [et_social_share]
Chronicles of the HOA Superhero: And Why That Shouldn’t Be You

Chronicles of the HOA Superhero: And Why That Shouldn’t Be You

As HOA manager, you will face a lot of challenges. Too often, people see you as “The Fixer.” You're the manager, so naturally, you must be the source of any and all information, the sounding board for every problem, and the mediator for every conflict. You're expected to be an attorney, police officer, detective, judge, personal assistant, accountant, building inspector, therapist, and magician. Most likely, at the heart of the challenges (that are the HOA manager duties) is the duty to handle conflict. The type of conflict you're dealing with can vary like the days of the week. Basically, the only thing you can be sure of is that another one lurks around each corner, ready to pounce on you like a sumo wrestler. Read More... [et_social_share]

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