Do HOAs Hate Christmas?

Do HOAs Hate Christmas?

Personally, I find the “HOA vs Christmas display” stories fascinating. There are few topics that get homeowners more fired up than a story about an HOA that forces someone to shut down their awesome Christmas display. Chances are high that you feel the same… unless of course you've ever seen the issue from the perspective of the board of directors. Here's my take on both sides of the issue. Read More... [et_social_share]
How to Avoid a PR Nightmare

How to Avoid a PR Nightmare

Success in any business — including your HOA — involves a heavy dose of PR. Just as possession is nine tenths of the law, good PR makes up the lion's share of effective marketing. For good or bad, publicity inside or outside your community can create a lot of emotion. In an HOA, homeowners are your “public.” As a board member or manager, you must take their perceptions and feelings into account in all you do. The decisions you make and the rules enforced will have an undeniable effect on how residents view not only the Association, but your community as a whole. The key is to find a balance between your public's perception and what keeps things running smoothly. Read More... [et_social_share]

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