Who Runs the (CAM) World?

Who Runs the (CAM) World?

As I was completing a busy morning that began with a 6:00 AM meeting with my husband and business partner, Robert, I also attended to a sick pet, fed and watered four cats, sent a slew of e-mails, and started making breakfast (spinach omelettes with sun-dried tomatoes, bacon and cheddar) which I happily do every day. In the meantime, I remembered that we’re having pot roast for dinner, so I prepared the roast for the slow cooker, and began to get ready for the day. Game on, girlfriend! Read More... [et_social_share]
HOA Enforcement Without the Force

HOA Enforcement Without the Force

As an HOA manager, you walk a fine line. You need to enforce the rules, but you don't want to alienate everyone. You need to stay professional, but your role demands friendliness. While it's your job to point out when people are skirting the by-laws, you have to do so in a tactful way. In other words, you're expected to strike a perfect balance between Darth Vader and Mother Teresa (even more awkward than it sounds). Read More... [et_social_share]
Should Owners Really Read The HOA CC&R?

Should Owners Really Read The HOA CC&R?

Don't get me wrong — I'm not saying that homeowners shouldn't read the CC&Rs. In fact, homeowners who take the time to educate themselves on the rules are valuable, and they’re the ones that usually end up leading their community on boards and committees. But next time you find yourself frustrated that they don't know or understand the rules — Maybe the question you should be asking is: “How can I inform homeowners better?” Read More... [et_social_share]
Chronicles of the HOA Superhero: And Why That Shouldn’t Be You

Chronicles of the HOA Superhero: And Why That Shouldn’t Be You

As HOA manager, you will face a lot of challenges. Too often, people see you as “The Fixer.” You're the manager, so naturally, you must be the source of any and all information, the sounding board for every problem, and the mediator for every conflict. You're expected to be an attorney, police officer, detective, judge, personal assistant, accountant, building inspector, therapist, and magician. Most likely, at the heart of the challenges (that are the HOA manager duties) is the duty to handle conflict. The type of conflict you're dealing with can vary like the days of the week. Basically, the only thing you can be sure of is that another one lurks around each corner, ready to pounce on you like a sumo wrestler. Read More... [et_social_share]
Doing “Online” Better

Doing “Online” Better

Homeowners nowadays expect to find the information they want, when they want it without too much effort. With almost all homeowners having access to the internet and email and about 75% using some form of social media, the way homeowners get information has changed. It’s no surprise that today, the tried and true newsletter of the past, quickly finds it’s way to the recycle bin with the rest of the junk mail. Read More... [et_social_share]

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