by Meredith Pond | Jul 21, 2016 |
As HOA manager, you will face a lot of challenges. Too often, people see you as “The Fixer.” You're the manager, so naturally, you must be the source of any and all information, the sounding board for every problem, and the mediator for every conflict. You're expected to be an attorney, police officer, detective, judge, personal assistant, accountant, building inspector, therapist, and magician. Most likely, at the heart of the challenges (that are the HOA manager duties) is the duty to handle conflict. The type of conflict you're dealing with can vary like the days of the week. Basically, the only thing you can be sure of is that another one lurks around each corner, ready to pounce on you like a sumo wrestler. Read More...
by Sterling Jenkins | Jul 13, 2016
The odds of making an impact look a lot better if you focus your efforts on small groups — like your community. This is particularly the case if you live in an HOA.
Here's an example: let's say that you live in a moderately sized HOA with 100 doors, and that about 50 people vote in the board election (great turnout!). Let's also say that you got informed on the issues and influenced 10 others in your community to vote a particular way. That means that you have about a 1 in 5 chance of affecting the final outcome. I like those odds! Read More...
by Burke Nielsen | Jul 7, 2016 |
A survey found that nearly 62% of American households have less than $1000 in savings or no savings at all. Numbers like this make it difficult for special assessment to be successful and make the HOA loan option a bit more attractive. But what are you really getting into with an HOA loan? Read More...
by Victoria Cohen | Jun 29, 2016
Homeowners living in Common Interest Development (CID) deed restricted communities, also known as homeowner associations (HOAs), must submit architectural applications to the Architectural Review Committee, or the Board of Directors to obtain permission to install air conditioners, in many cases. As you can imagine, this will add some heat to the already warm weather. So how do you prepare for this? Read More...
by John Richards | Jun 23, 2016 |
HOAs are being confronted more and more with hoarding, but when working with the homeowner to correct the problem fails — what is the association to do? Some Associations look to state and municipal governments for help, but these organizations simply don't want to get involved and will only go so far if you live in a private condominium or association. In most cases this leaves HOAs to take corrective action themselves in order to stop the hoarding and restore the quality of life. Read More...