Avoiding HOA Meeting Déjà Vu

Avoiding HOA Meeting Déjà Vu

One of the hardest things a property manager must do is manage, process and respond to abounding information. I was reminded of this when I read a recent forum on the subject of ‘motion spreadsheets.’ By my understanding, the question was — what is the best way to keep a searchable history of the Boards decisions (motions). Read More... [et_social_share]
HOA Records — Save or Shred?

HOA Records — Save or Shred?

Many community associations maintain documents and records for many years, even decades. Most state laws require that owners be allowed to inspect records of the association under specific conditions, but the inspection right is broad. In some cases homeowners will request documents in an effort to conduct a witch-hunt against the HOA. So how long do you keep records, and what records need to be kept? Read More... [et_social_share]
HOA Budget?  Yeah… I Think We Have a Budget.

HOA Budget? Yeah… I Think We Have a Budget.

As a HOA manager I was often approached by potential clients, at their wit's end with HOA issues. Often these issues were about finances. When I asked them about their HOA budget, I would often get a response like. “Budget? Yeahhh… I think we have a budget.” In most of these cases there was either no budget at all, or the HOA budget hadn't been given a second look since the day it was compiled. The HOA budget is more than just writing down estimated expenses. Proper budgeting helps the board be responsible with association funds, and reach their financial goals. Here are some tools and tips that will help your HOA create and stay on budget. Read More... [et_social_share]
Meeting Minutes Matter™

Meeting Minutes Matter™

Nobody likes to take meeting minutes (or so I have been told). As an HOA Meeting Recorder and Parliamentarian, I take the meeting minutes for many associations. My method is easy and simple. Here are some steps that I hope you will find useful in taking proper minutes. Read More... [et_social_share]

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