Common Amenities — Make Them Pay for Themselves!

Common Amenities — Make Them Pay for Themselves!

Start with amenities that can bring in the most money to the association for the lowest up front cost. This way, the first added amenity can pay for the next one; and so on. Adding advertising in the form of signs or billboards can be revenue generators, but are not allowed in many residential areas. However, ATM machines bring in revenue, can be thought of as an amenity by some, and do not take up a lot of room. Read More... [et_social_share]
HOA Legal Costs — Who’s Running Up The Bill?

HOA Legal Costs — Who’s Running Up The Bill?

Too often, board members will meet and discuss an issue or project that they need to discuss with their attorney and will not appoint a board member to contact the attorney. Before they know it, all board members have contacted one or multiple attorneys for legal advice regarding the same exact issue. As a result, the association will have to pay twice the amount, if not more, for duplicative work on the same project. Read More... [et_social_share]
HOA Records — Save or Shred?

HOA Records — Save or Shred?

Many community associations maintain documents and records for many years, even decades. Most state laws require that owners be allowed to inspect records of the association under specific conditions, but the inspection right is broad. In some cases homeowners will request documents in an effort to conduct a witch-hunt against the HOA. So how long do you keep records, and what records need to be kept? Read More... [et_social_share]
Poisonous  Clients

Poisonous Clients

Every company needs clients. Without clients, well, you don't have a business. But is the customer always right? Most of the time yes, but there are times when the best course of action is to “kick the bums out”! Yes, I said it! Even if they are profitable! You know who I'm talking about — Clients that take up an inordinate amount of your time. Ones that always complain about costs. The ones that treat you and your staff without respect. Especially the ones that generate the least amount of revenue. Read More... [et_social_share]
CAM Licensing Survey Results

CAM Licensing Survey Results

For many, the need for states to require CAM licensing is obvious and necessary. While for others it is viewed as another burden on managers, with no benefit to consumers (the homeowner). In a recent blog article about the merits of CAM licensing, written by Sterling Jenkins back in October 2015, we asked the questions, “Why do so few states require CAM licensing?” and, “How is it working in the states that already have it?” Read More... [et_social_share]
“It’s Not Me It’s You” Knowing When to Fire a Client

“It’s Not Me It’s You” Knowing When to Fire a Client

If you're a community association manager (CAM), you've probably had one of those clients who soaks up too much of your time and energy. This type of client can be stressful and exhausting for managers and will, in the long run, affect your overall customer service and reduce profits.The question is — What to do about it? The simple solution is to just fire the client. But let's face it, if we fired every client that had a 3 hour meeting, we wouldn't have very many clients. In many cases these problems come down to misunderstandings and poor communication. So before you fire that client, here are a few things you may want to consider. Read More... [et_social_share]

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