Trial and Error Policies

Trial and Error Policies

Homeowners who aren't happy with their HOA often cite inconsistent or changing policies as the reason. The fact is, it's tough to create rules and policies that are perfect. You have heard the cliche “the devil’s in the details” - well in the case of HOA policies and rules this couldn’t be more true. One of the primary responsibilities of the Board is to set policies and define rules to fit the unique character of their community... Here are a few common mistakes that boards should avoid when adopting policies and rules. Read More... [et_social_share]
Social Media — Risk vs Reward

Social Media — Risk vs Reward

While HOA social media definitely has its rewards, there are many who perceive it as too big of a gamble. The drawbacks can be hard to quantify, but basically come down to the potential for misuse.From simple communication, to events, feedback and more, there's nothing like social media for building a sense of community and keeping everyone up to date. As long as membership is verified and secure, and the above considerations are put in place, there's no reason why social media can't be remarkably useful in your HOA. Read More... [et_social_share]
Changing the Direction of Your Association

Changing the Direction of Your Association

Changing the direction of your HOA is kinda like turning the Titanic. Whether it's a change in policy or the change to the whole system, it takes time and you're going to hit some bumps along the way. Okay, maybe the Titanic is a bad example since it's sitting on the bottom of the ocean. But if you plan ahead and make the right moves the experience can be a positive one. As a manager I've had the opportunity to implement many kinds of change. Some went very well and some didn't. Hopefully this example of a change that took place a few years ago can help you in your next big change. Read More... [et_social_share]
HOA Horror Stories – Who’s Afraid of the Big, Bad HOA?

HOA Horror Stories – Who’s Afraid of the Big, Bad HOA?

Believe it or not, there are people around the web who hate HOAs. Actually, it's not too difficult to find them. A quick google search and you'll be lucky to find someone who isn't filled with vitriol. There are so many people online saying the same things about HOAs. My guess is that almost all of these people have a true HOA horror story to tell. There are real problems with some HOAs. There are examples of fraud. There are some ridiculous rules out there. And there are abuses. The people who have lived through that stuff have a good excuse to be upset. The problem is that some of them project these terrible experiences onto HOAs in general. Are they right? Is there widespread corruption in HOAs? Read More... [et_social_share]
Complaints Are Good

Complaints Are Good

While dealing with complaints isn't the most pleasant part of your day, it's still a critical part of your business. The way you handle those grievances can either make or break your success. When you regard complaints as a nuisance, that attitude projects itself onto the people making them. Your perspective becomes reality — with everyone annoyed and defensive before the conversation even begins. And we all know what happens then. But what if a simple change in attitude could change everything? Read More... [et_social_share]
It Matters How You Say It

It Matters How You Say It

Your messages to homeowners must be delivered properly to be appreciated — even if they contain happy or important news. Even a delicious cake makes an unwelcome gift when delivered the wrong way, and it's the same thing with your HOA. Your messages to homeowners, even if they contain happy or important news, must be delivered properly to be appreciated. Otherwise, your efforts are at best a waste of time, and are likely to become a nuisance. In marketing, the way a product is packaged is key to its acceptance. In your HOA, your message is the product, and the packaging has to be just right. Read More... [et_social_share]

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